Thermovent T2 Heat & Moisture Exchanger (HME)

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    Thermovent T2 Heat & Moisture Exchanger (HME) from provides effective humidification for spontaneously breathing patients whose upper airways are bypassed by a tracheostomy tube. The device can be used for a maximum period of 24 hours.

    Thermovent T2 Heat & Moisture Exchanger (HME) Features:

    • Simple opening port allows quick and easy access for a suction catheter to aid the removal of secretions
    • Clear housing gives an aesthetic appearance and allows visualization of contamination
    • Integrated oxygen port that can provide up to 60% oxygen concentrations to the patient via the simplest of connections
    • Original Portex Thermovent T paper media provides high level performance heat and moisture exchange to patient
    • Smooth, rounded edges aids patient comfort

    Part numbers: 100/570/022

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